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Bounce: the Natural Solution for Keeping Nits at Bay

Nikki McLean is the friendly face behind Bounce, a fantastic natural solution for preventing nits. With a heartfelt dedication to helping families find a gentle and effective way to keep hair free from nits, Nikki and Dr Steve Humphries from Hebe Botanicals created Bounce using only natural ingredients. Her approach is all about providing a safe, chemical-free option that gives parents and caregivers peace of mind, making it easy to keep hair healthy and nit-free.

Nikki McLean, Bounce

What inspired you to create your own nit solution, Bounce, for children's hair?

In 2016 I received a Science Scholarship through the Royal Society in Wellington. I could work for 6 months with a local scientist. I had seen newspaper articles written by Dr Steve Humphries and he had mentioned he was keen to find a repellent for head lice. As a teacher and mother this was FANTASTIC news so I asked to join him at Hebe Botanicals. 

How long did it take you to develop and perfect the formula for Bounce?

It took us 6 months to collect live lice and do experiments on them. I had to ask friends and whanau if I could collect live lice from their children in Otaki because head lice die after 6 hours, if they are away from their cosy homes. Then this year we decided it was a good time to bring our repellent to the market. I asked some more friends to test the formula for us. They gave us feedback before we bottled BOUNCE for the market. 

What sets Bounce apart from other nit solutions available on the market?

BOUNCE is an all natural product. There is only one other natural way to get rid of head lice, and that way is to shave your head! BOUNCE is a repellent which means it needs to be sprayed in the children's (and teachers) hair BEFORE school or Kohanga in the morning.

Then it gives them 7 hours of protection from those nasty critters. All the other products on the market are full of nasty chemicals that only kill the head lice, The eggs will still hatch and then the cycle will start again. 

How do you recommend using Bounce for the best results?

I recommend people spray it on to dry hair (a minimum of 3 sprays), especially around the ears. Then comb through to spread evenly and provide all day protection. 

Are there any special tips or tricks you'd suggest for parents using Bounce?

Use it as part of their morning routine. For example, spray it through their hair as they brush their teeth. 

Where can customers purchase Bounce outside of the Ōtaki Market?

I sell bounce through Trademe. You can find all the information you need at

You can also join our facebook page Naturelab New Zealand to find out what we are up to.

What do you enjoy most about being a stall holder at the Ōtaki Market?

I have only just started selling BOUNCE at the Otaki Market. I enjoy talking to the children who visit the market and I have met some great stall holders. I really appreciate the support and smiles from all the wonderful organisers too. 

If you could invite any celebrity to visit your stall, who would it be?

I would love to invite Jacinda Adern to visit my stall. She's a Mum and a kind person. Head lice can affect all cultures and they don't care how rich you are. Just imagine if BOUNCE could eradicate head lice. They must be such a distraction while you're trying to learn at school! 


Would you like to be a stall holder?

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